Lane, Ramp Closures for I-5/SR 510 Interchange Project in Washington

Washington I-5 Traffic | Washington I-5 Construction | I-5 Exit Guide

The Washington Department of Transportation reports that crews are converting the existing I-5/SR510 interchange (milepost 110-112.5) into a diverging diamond interchange. Depending on weather, work could be complete by late 2020. Work as follows:

  • Single-lane closures in both directions of I-5 approaching Marvin Road overpass.
    • 9:00 p.m. Friday, March 27 to 5:00 a.m. Monday, March 30
  • Weekend closure rescheduled to following weekend. All lanes and ramps remain open.
    • 9:00 p.m. Friday, April 3 to 5:00 a.m. Monday, April 6
  • Marvin Road on-ramp to southbound I-5 will close.
    • Marvin Road overpass will be reduced to one-lane in each direction.

Inclement weather will reschedule the closures to the next dry weekend.

Around-the-clock work:

  • Single-lane closure for northbound I-5 exit to Marvin Road. One lane will remain open.

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