I-5 Construction Begins on California’s North Coast Corridor Project
The first phase of the North Coast Corridor (NCC) Program, a $700 million infrastructure improvement project has begun and will continue over the next...
Best, and Worst Times to Travel This Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is only a few days away and reports are saying that this Thanksgiving holiday will be a record breaker as far as highway...
Celebrate Holiday in the Park at Six Flags Magic Mountain
Tis the season for thrilling roller coasters, millions of dazzling LED lights, and kisses under the mistletoe as Six Flags Entertainment Corporation, the world’s...
Nearly 49 Million Americans Will Travel This Thanksgiving
The American Automobile Association (AAA) projects that 48.7 million Americans will journey 50 miles or more from home this Thanksgiving, an increase of one...
Restaurant Discounts for I-5 Road Warriors
Here's a new website  for those of us looking to save some money on meals for our next trip down I-5.  511Coupons.com points you to...
California I-5 Carmenita Ramp Closed Thru October 21
The California DEpartment of Transportation reports that crews will close the southbound I-5 Carmenita Road off-ramp nightly through Friday, October 21 between 7 p.m....
I-5 Construction Work in Los Angeles Area Thru September 30
The California Department of Transportation reports the following I-5 construction activities and closures, subject to change. Work will occur during daytime hours unless otherwise...
New I-5 Ramp in Portland Completed
The Oregon DOT and the Portland Bureau of Transportation will mark the completion of the I-5 Southbound Off-ramp at North Broadway Project Monday, Sept....