I-5 Rest Area Closure in Washington This Week
The Washington State Department of Transportation reports that the southbound I-5 Custer Rest Area (milepost 268) is scheduled to fully close for maintenance from...
Is Your Car Road Ready For Summer?
If your summer vacation plans include a road trip, the last thing you want is to have unexpected car trouble to leave you stranded...
Washington I-5 Rest Area to Close April 1
The Washington State Department of Transportation reports that the I-5 SeaTac Safety Rest Area, located at milepost 140.65 will close on April 1.
The full...
“Keep Right Except to Pass” Laws for I-5 States
Driving slowly in the fast lane is more than just annoying, it’s also illegal in many states. The left hand lane of an Interstate...
Exit Ramp Closures, Detours for I-5 Construction in Tacoma
The Washington State Department of Transportation reports that, as early as April 6, WSDOT contractor Skanska will close the South Sprague Avenue ramp to...
I-5/SR16 Ramps in Tacoma to Temporarily Close in April
A new stage of construction on the I-5/SR 16 Realignment and Connections HOV project this spring will bring temporary ramp closures and traffic switches...
Lane, Ramp Closures for I-5 HOV Construction in Washington
The Washington State Department of Transportation reports the following traffic impacts associated with the I-5 Tacoma/Pierce County HOV construction, through Saturday, March 30.
Monday, March...
Lane, Ramp Closures, Delays for I-5 Work in California
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) will perform various full on and off-ramp closures on northbound and southbound Interstate 5 (I-5) from Stuhr Road...